Denuvo has become the first security partner to be added to the Nintendo Developer Portal. According to Video Games Chronicle, Switch developers can use Denuvo’s tools for their games to prevent users from playing them on PC emulators. Extract from the report: “Even if a game is protected against piracy on its PC version, the version released on Nintendo Switch can be emulated from day one and played on PC, thus bypassing the strong protections offered on the PC version,” explains the company. “This can happen with any of the many games available on Nintendo Switch. “By blocking unauthorized emulations on PC, studios can increase revenue during the game’s launch window, which is the most important time for monetization. Nintendo Switch emulator protection will ensure that anyone wanting to play the game must purchase a legitimate copy. As with all other Denuvo solutions, the technology integrates seamlessly into the build toolchain without impacting the gaming experience. It then allows controls to be inserted into the code, which blocks gameplay on the emulators.”
Denuvo Security is now on Switch, including new technology to block PC Switch emulation
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