World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated every year on November 10. It is a day to recognize the role of science in society and highlights the crucial importance of including the public in discussions around the impacts of new scientific developments and raising awareness among individuals.
This day aims to connect science to society to provide residents with information on science in the service of sustainable development and peaceful cohabitation.
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World Science Day for Peace and Development 2023: Theme
The theme of World Science Day for Peace and Development 2023 is “Building Trust in Science”.
The role of science in shaping our global future must be met when there is trust in science. Trust in science fuels the development and applications of evidence-based solutions to address our world’s multifaceted challenges.
What is the history of World Science Day for Peace and Development?
The concept of World Science Day for Peace and Development emerged from the 1999 World Science Conference in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting brought together researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders to discuss the role of science in promoting peace and sustainable development.
A key outcome of the conference was the Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge, which emphasized the importance of science in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.
What is the importance of World Science Day for peace and development?
World Science Day for Peace and Development is essential because it means ensuring that residents are kept informed of scientific developments. This speaks to the impact of science on our usual routines. This drives us to attract scientific advances and encourage a deeper understanding of our planet’s sensitive ecosystem.
This day brings together people from diverse backgrounds, from government officials to students, to join in their enthusiasm for science and shape a more promising time to come.
World Science Day 2023: Quotes
• “Nothing in life is to be feared, you just have to understand it,” says Madame Curie.
• “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe,” Albert Einstein said.
• According to Kurt Vonnegut, “science is magic that works.”